Monday, March 19, 2018

Goal 1 Maori Achievement

To raise Maori student achievement and cultural visibility.                                                                                                                                                                    That 85% of Maori students will achieve NCEA Level 2.

Maori students are on track and have achieved 2 level 3 credits achieved (Work in progress ) in achieving 3 more level 3 credits by the end of term 1 this is happening because continuous achievement conversations are happening in class . Students have a clear view on what is needed to achieve credits and when credits are due


  1. Sounds like great progress Mergran with the students in class in terms of those achieving credits so far. Also like that you're gaining good traction from ongoing conversations with your students. Sounds really positive.

  2. This is great Mergran. I have found that students are becoming more and more open to these kind of conversations about where they are, credits etc.

  3. Students are quick smart to ask about how many credits they have achieved etc and this achievement conversation is a great idea in terms of getting them thinking about future goals, careers

  4. This is great because it makes the student aware as to where they are with their progress. I do a similar thing using KAMAR as a visible resource.
